Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Champion 77 Needle, Cast-Off, and Pressor Foot alignment

Over the past couple of years I have got more practiced with the 77 and am having good success most of the time.
When it starts missing or worst of all not stripping one loop before the next, its time put the work aside, find an uninterrupted hour and dial it back in. I use the dimensions from the instruction book but there are so many interrelated dimensions that you just have to play with it.

These pictures show the arrangement / relationship between the components when it is running SWEET.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, i am from Peru, i have a chainstitching of about 1910 is a G.L. MURPHY LTD i have creat a needle sistem that works ok i want to post same photos but i dont know how, please send my an email, mine is
