However, I am and most likely will continue to use it about once a month and after cleaning and restoring the thread lube pot I realized that I simply will not leave the lube in the pot for weeks or months at a time. The lube drys slowly, thickens up to a syrup, and leaves a film all over everything.
I have been sucking out the unused lube with an ear syringe then cleaning and drying the pot but I thought that a liner would be the correct answer. It turned out to be an easy one day project that came out the 1st try.
I have a DIY vacuum form set up which is the ideal process to make this part.
1st I needed a pattern and decided to make a cast of the inside of the pot.
Two problems:
- Casting directly into the pot would require a release
- The pattern needs to be undersized to leave room for the plastic thickness.
Next I mixed up some Bondo poured it in.
It popped out without hardly any effort! (I was shocked and worried)
I had to sand and put a finish coat of Bondo on it and then took it strait to the vacuum table without any finish or release on it.
Used some clear plastic from some packaging I scavenged and it came out perfect the 1st try (when does that ever happen?)
Yes it is fine, and yes I am obsessive compulsive!